March 04, 2008

How Many Times Do You Have to Hit Your Shin Until You Remember to Watch Out For That Thingy?

I came to a scientific conclusion that it takes the brain 4 times to register that you have moved the bed and the bed frame is sticking out where it used to not be.

We had a staging lady come to tell us things to do to get the house ready for the market, and besides getting new furniture and ripping out the carpets everything is fairly do able. Although Eric has left town and there is way too much heavy furniture for me to move, I figured I should start somewhere. I decided after she left to try the room arrangement she suggested. Then I realized I do need to paint my room. So last night as the kids were so eager to help I decided to paint my room. The bed when I pulled it out, came off its cheap frame it came on, well just a little. Needless to say while painting behind the bed, I hit that metal corner every time I walked by. Well not every time I think the last time I walked behind the bed I missed it! For some reason I didn't notice that it cut my leg open three times, I must have been really into the painting. So this morning I get to wash my bloody sheets! No I am not cursing or from England.

On another note...IT'S FREEZING!! I decided I should open my windows to allow fresh air in, so as not to die during the night from inhaling toxic fumes. Well it dropped to 30 something degrees and I woke up to freezing children. You know lips blue, and teeth chattering, hands clenched and the words "itssss freeezzzzzzzzzinnggg" coming out of there mouth with a puff of steam like a little teapot. I went down stairs, and the heat was turned off as well, so the house was a whole whopping 59 degrees this morning. So now the heater is working hard to warm up our house, like a bowling ball skimming along the top of a pond. :)


Sheri said...

You are doing to much by youself!! You need to take care of you as well as the house!
Was it helpful to have the stager come? I hope your leg recovers! I wonder why it is you can have a huge bruise and not know how you got it?

Randi said...

House Stager.

Not something you see everyday on a resume!

Tonya said...

My friend has been looking in to starting her own house staging business so it's good to hear that someone actually tried one.

Don't overdue it and watch out for those corners :o)

Beth said...

I know what you mean about running into stuff and not knowing until you have a bruise or find blood the next day! hahha

just thought i'd say hi.
and to check out my new blog. :D

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