May 21, 2010

Humblings of Motherhood

 As a mother, I find myself constantly getting after my kids, to not leave their shoes or their clothes in the middle of the floor, get their shoes, papers, jackets out of the car, to empty their back packs or lunch boxes (ok my kids don't use lunch boxes very often..) I wonder why they would do such things!  How could they forget the things I ask them to do on a daily if not hourly basis? 

But then the sun goes down, dusk fills the house, I stumble around to find a light to turn on, to only trip over a shoe...as the curses begin in my head, the rants of "how many times...", I look down to pick up the rotten shoe to discover it belongs to......................................   ME!!  Most likely a kid chucked it from the basket in search for their own right???

Then I notice after tucking in all my kids, straightening up the kitchen, I quickly go to brush my teeth and strip my way to bed, leaving behind a trail of clothes, that I find the next morning.......  

After a long day of work, well when I used to work, as I quit a few weeks ago, I tended to come straight into the house, many times leaving things in the car. Often times leaving things for a little while.  So today, and let me just say its been about two weeks since I have worked....I pulled out my lunch box.  Yes my lunch box that I thought was empty, well minus an apple and a slim fast....something that wouldn't go too bad and well it just "slipped" my mind each time we were rushing in and out of the car.  Kudos today to me for taking it out.....but the smell!  Oh the smell.....I unzip it...and the mold the smoosh the awful black stinky matter!  What the heck was it?? A banana...a poor helpless banana sat rotting in my car for at least 3 weeks!  It was steped on, it was smooshed, it was frozen and it was heated and it died a terrible death! 

Maybe I still need a mother around reminding me daily to do stuff!  Maybe I should be a little kinder to my kids that really aren't  not listening but just following my subtle example.  I am humbled.  A lesson learned.  I will do better.


Angela said...

I know it is not the easiest to lead by example.

Hope all is going alright.

He & Me + 3 said...

I hear ya for sure. I hate when I forget to do things I get after the kids about.

He & Me + 3 said...

I hear ya for sure. I hate when I forget to do things I get after the kids about.

He & Me + 3 said...

I hear ya for sure. I hate when I forget to do things I get after the kids about.

He & Me + 3 said...

I hear ya for sure. I hate when I forget to do things I get after the kids about.

He & Me + 3 said...

I hear ya for sure. I hate when I forget to do things I get after the kids about.

He & Me + 3 said...

I hear ya for sure. I hate when I forget to do things I get after the kids about.

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