January 04, 2009

Well Happy New Year to You too!

Well La De Frickin' DA! I say as I squat down, pull up my low rise jeans, trying to make them rest a little above my four baby pouch, and "A happy new year to you!"

Man what a week, I guess it hasn't been quiet a week, but it sure has been quite a few little days. I have heard, and not sure where exactly I heard it or who said it but it has been said that your new years' eve night is a reflection of the year to come....Oh man I sure hope not.

I guess is some ways our eve was great, we had all the kids with us, in a hotel room. We swam. We ate junk food. We played games. We saw a movie. We worked on a puzzle. Two and T-Rex were down by seven thirty and Bee and G-man were asleep by 8:30.

All was well in the hotel room, until I heard Two coughing, gagging...throwing up....then I heard T-Rex who was in bed with her, coughing and crying. I ran in to find that Two had thrown up all over the bed- the pillows, the sheets, the comforter you are to never use--and all over her little brother T-Rex, most of which landed in his poor little open sleeping mouth.

We called house keeping to see if they could bring us some new bedding, and by the time they did they just delivered sheets. I informed her that there was puke on EVERYTHING! and a while later, we are talking a while later, because after bathing the kids and putting them to sleep in the other bed, and T-Rex in the crib, he showed up.

So we get them back to sleep. And then the coughing and crying start again, Two did it again all over the second bed. At least this time we were smart enough to put a towel under her head.

We rinsed her off in the shower and then had the yes a brilliant idea of making her a bed in the tub. So we put the blankets and pillows in there and she curled up all nicely and slept for several more hours.

I watched movie. Said Happy New Year to Eric, and fell asleep. To only be awoken again at 4 with more puking from two. I pulled her into the nice and clean bed with me. And we slept. To only have me wake up feeling very sick. And lets just leave it to the fact that I too got to pray to the porcelain god thanking him for the new year.

We did sit around with the family before we left the hotel, playing a game I did when I was younger. Not really a game, but just sat around coming up with sayings like:

"I haven't eaten ALL YEAR"

"It's been since last year that I saw Nanny."

"I haven't gone to school since LAST year."

Anyway you get the idea. The kids and I laughed really hard, and Eric was surprised in all his 39 years he had never had this conversations.

Anyway I spent the rest of the day lying in bed, sleeping on and off all day.

Then Friday morning Eric and I woke up at 4 am and headed to LA with T-Rex to pick up our car from Hawaii...so yeah now we are just jobless and homeless!!

We thought we would have a pretty uneventful trip, just one kid, a quick flight.

What were we thinking?

We arrived a little late to the airport, long lines, and get to our gate just in time to board the plane before they closed the doors. We were all settled, backing away getting the "this is how you lock your seat belt lecture.....we are second in line for take off...."

Then the flight attendant said..."The pilot as turned on the fasten seat belt sign at this time, no one can leave your seat. Feel free to push the yellow button, to turn on your overhead light, not the green button."

(Someone pushes the green button.)

Attendant giggles and then says "not the green button."

The front attendant yells "call 911 and is there a doctor on the plane?"

I guess someone for real happened to have a seizure just then. Kind of crazy timing. So we drove back to the gate, the paramedics came and took her off. Then we waited another hour for paper work to be filled out and them to bring a new oxygen mask because she had used the last one.

Our connecting flight was only a 40 minute layover. So we missed that flight.

While getting off the plane, Eric bent down to get T-Rex's toy off the floor, caught his fly on the arm rest and split his pants open from top to bottom....(just in case you are wondering we didn't pack any extra clothes for our selves because we were only going to be gone 24 hours....just an fyi we were gone for 48 plus.)

So we wandered around the airport with Eric walking with his legs close together. I looked for some pants, but for some reason airports only carry sweatshirts and t-shirts!

We boarded our next plane, and T-rex was getting all nice and settled, we were getting ready to leave. They locked the doors. Then they informed us that they were filling the tires, then they informed us that one tire was completely bald and that we'd be sitting there for awhile...yep another hour delay....it was ok we weren't really in a huge hurry to get the car, and drive 1300 miles.

And all the delays turned out to be our advantage because, it gave us time to go have lunch at In N Out burgers, which were delicious, buy Eric some new shorts and shop at Trader Joe's, and then drive and meet our car as it arrived at the shipping yard...good thing we were late because other wise we would have been waiting all day there in California.

Then we headed home. With me being sick and T-Rex being so fussy we decided to stop at a hotel, only a few hours into our drive. All I can say is we didn't find any dead bodies and I felt like I was on an episode of "My name is Earl."

Around 1:30 in the morning our drunk neighbor, "can't get this stupid key to work" as he banged on our door and yanked and kicked it. His wife informed him that it didn't work because it was not their room.

And believe it or not, he did it again at 2! I guess 145 looks a lot like 147....

And then I spent the rest of the night listening to the guy on the other wall snoring.

We woke up fairly early and headed out. Only to take another detour and visited some old friends of ours that moved to Tuscon. They invited us to stay the night but since we had been only driving a few hours that day and we had three kids at home waiting for us, we declined...though it was tempting. We wondered how many days we could lengthen out our trip!

We joked about it, but we ended up driving through the night and arrived this morning at 4 AM, after many rest stops and naps.

Well happy new year to you! Looking forward to the things that 2009 has to bring to us.


4funboys said...
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4funboys said...

here's to hoping the year gets better... soon.

Nothing worse than sick kids... unless you're sick too.

Andrea said...

I'm sorry your week has been so bad. I've never believed that New Year's Eve is a reflection of the year to come--so don't worry. 2009 will be great.

Leslie said...

Wow, sounds like you've had quite an eventful new year so far! I'm sure it's gonna get better. Because it sounds like it couldn't get worse! Happy New Year!

Tonya said...

Wow what a way to start the new year. No job and no home. What happened?

Charly said...

Unbelievable! Well, best wishes to you and your family in the New Year!!! I hope the job hunt becomes successful VERY quickly!!!

Jessica Simonsen Howard said...

That is so crazy! Y'all had quite the run around. Hope the year just gets better and better. Love you!

Tonya said...

Holy cow. Does your family know how to party or what? I do hope that things will be on the upswing now.

Anna said...

Ha nothin better than a little puke to start out the week.. I tried to do the "I haven't seen you since last year" this year-but no one thought it was funny.

"I haven't heard from you since last year!"

Davis' Blog said...

Hi Corrine...There are so many things I would ike to tell you. I hope things get better. What is you phone number I am coming to Austin one of these days I would like to see you if you ar enotscik anymore.

Yvonne said...

Oh my goodness--how do you do it???? I would be screaming and you just blog about it.

Hang in there. May 2009 be a whole lot better.

Kati said...

Wow! You had quite the trip.. seriously...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I always enjoy making new friends!!!

mkt said...

No Fair! You guys always get all the good adventures! But seriously, I'm glad you are able to see the humor in them... that should give you quite an advantage in 2009!

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