September 02, 2008

We Love the PCC

We love the PCC (Polynesian Cultural Center). Yesterday for Labor Day we went there, well after Eric worked from 5-1 and I locked myself in my room for a few hours while the kids drove me crazy ( but who wants to hear that, and I don't think it was a few hours, because G-man learned how to use a credit card to unlock doors--thanks Dad (their Dad)) Anyway so around 2 we headed to the other side of the island for some PCC fun!

We got there in time to see the IMAX Coral Reef, beautiful pictures, but a little too much save the world stuff, not that I am not all about saving the environment because I am most days, but sometimes I like to just watch a movie with out feeling like I need to bicycle every where and never touch anything made of plastic again. Anyway the film was pretty cool. T-Rex lasted all of maybe five minutes so Eric took him walking. Two wanted to leave half way through but I made her stick it out. Sorry those sitting behind us.

After the IMAX we went to the YUMMY Luau!! Tasty. Though after G-Man and Bee saw the Emo (cooked Pig) they swore off ever eating meat again. So instead they enjoyed the kids buffet of dinosaur chicken nuggets. I didn't explain to them that those once were live animals because I needed them to consume something. Oh and we were seated right on the front so we could enjoy the performance, and after it TWO, BEE and T-Rex danced for the audience as well.

Between the Luau and the Night show, we had free reign of the park and went around taking pictures at different places. The kids didn't want to stop taking pictures, I won't bore you with all of them.
We then got to go to the night show and we were on the front row. It was awesome being on the front row, because we could watch the dancers' expressions and notice them giggle or something when they or someone next to them goofed up a little.

It was a great end to a day that I thought was never going to end, and then ended up being awesome.


Sheri said...

looked like so much fun! Gregory looks so old!! Love your hair by the way!

Kami said...

Oh, the PCC! The memories! Scott worked there as a security guard, so on Sundays, he would bring me in and he would serenade me on the canoe as he pushed me around the park. There was no one else there. It was too funny! Your kids are darling, especially Greg with all those missing teeth. Love it!

Davis' Blog said...

Corrine you look great! and the kids look so grown up. I am glad you were able to have fun as a family.

Yvonne said...

The Polynesian Cultural Center is such a great place. Love the pics.

Jessica Simonsen Howard said...

That is awesome that you were on the front row. I remember sneaking in all the time with people who worked there to see the nightshow. You just could never get enough of it.

Shannon said...

Wow! What a fun family outing. These are beautiful pictures. You look so great Corrine!

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