August 19, 2008

So I am trying to earn a little extra cash...

I decided to see if possible I could earn a little extra cash by posting some little ads here and there on my page. And well since December I have earned a whopping 3.24 which I can't claim until I hit the huge amount of $10. Anyway so the ads are suppose to be geared towards my site. And for awhile they seemed to be (well the one little one I had way down at the bottom--how is that gonna bring in a little extra cash, not so easily--hence the new ones.) about families and kids stuff, but I noticed now they all are about dog poop stuff HUMM.....

Have I changed the content of my blog?

Is it really that crappy???

Then I remembered my title of my blog, though it says NO dog, it says dog none the less. So you readers out there that need some poop scooping items, well you know where to look.

Also I added tonight infolinks, which finds key words in my writings and links it to ads. If you have the desire to check them out feel free. I am not forcing you too, just letting you know they are there. But again, I don't choose the ads, and I am just seeing if I can double my income :) But just letting you know that is what you may be seeing and I really am not selling adult videos. And I am looking into seeing if I can change what ads pop up because I thought I put something in there about kid friendly things.

And always don't let the TIDE of the Charmin' Fat Boy sweep you away! (just seeing what the infolinks might pick up)


Yvonne said...

I always wondered about the ad thing. Hope it gets better for you.

Tonia said...

I never thought of that! Wonder what adds would pop up on mine...hmmm, might try it just to see!

Sheri said...

so funny! I am so behind on blogging! I haven't even had the chance to catch up on all of your new ones! Maybe Friday! Gotta go to work!

Angela said...

Yes it is funny what ads end up on people's blogs.


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