April 10, 2008

How Long Would you Sit on the Toilet?

Ok so seriously how long could you stay seated on a toilet? I don't think I would be able to stay longer than needed. Well while blog hopping this morning, I came across this blog, which led me to this blog, which led me to this article.

A few explanations I could come up with for staying on a toilet for two years is this:
-While having a BM you have a massive stoke leaving you in a coma for the duration of two years, and if this is the case you have a really stupid boyfriend that wouldn't call for help.
-You were held there against your own will.
-You were trying to beat a world record?
-You had fallen and couldn't get up.
-You had one major upset stomach.
-The decor was so captivating, the smell was so spring like, and it was by golly the best dog gone toilet seat you have ever placed your tush.

I googled it and found more of the story here with a video.
All I know is he (the boyfriend) mentions that after she gets out of the hospital he will take care of her. But all I can say is that he kept her on a toilet for two years? How is he going to take care of her??

The thing I just don't get, and not sure why I am wasting away my morning worrying about it is how the heck does one sit for so long that your own body starts to fuse itself to the toilet?? I am just baffled. Ok off to take a shower. And if you don't see a post from me tomorrow morning, call the authorities because I may have just decided to stay in there forever! And well a shower I could see that happening but a toilet???


Tonya said...

I saw this story a little while back and couldn't believe my eyes. How terrible that this kind of thing could actually happen to someone. Unreal!

Corrine said...

thanks for commenting... It was kinda weird one day when I was reading Ashley's blog and came along to one of your comments, and was like "I didn't write that." Then I realized my comments say Kristofer and Corrine. You probably pronounce it like Corrine, though, my is pronounced Corinne. :) P.S. Love the blog!!

Angela said...

I printed the news article out and wrote on the bottom

"This is why I ask you when you will be out.
I care."

I taped this to the bathroom door for my husband to see.

Anonymous said...

^ rofl

I love Sue's blog. When she wrote about that I pondered on the toilet seat lady for several days and then I decided it was too disturbing to think about anymore. Now I have to think about it all over again! Ahh!!!

Just kidding, but still. How?! Why?! Ugh!!!

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